Keep moving no matter the weather!  Stay active all year round with these physical activity tips for cooler months.

How to Stay Active in Colder Months

Fall and winter may require some extra encouragement and preparation to stay active!  With a little creativity and planning, you can build a routine to keep moving no matter weather.

1. Take nature walks

Weather permitting, schedule time during the day to enjoy nature. Spending time outside has many benefits to our health and wellbeing.  With cold & flu season, and COVID-19 still lingering, being active outside is also a safe way to socialize with friends & family.  Try taking a stroll around a safe neighborhood or park. 

2. Monitor the weather and plan ahead.

Weather forecasts give several days’ notice to prepare your week.  Plan out your outdoor activity time for when the weather is most suitable.  Setting aside this time may lead to great success in staying active.   Be sure to monitor the weather the day of your activity, dress appropriately, and plan your winter activity accordingly.

3. Wear layers.

Dressing in layers gives you the option to remove articles of clothing once you start moving and get warmer.  Even on a chilly day, you may be surprised at how quickly you may warm up when walking in the sunshine.  Layers will help you guard against overheating and sweating, which can add moisture to your clothing eventually making you colder.  

4. Workout online.

There are plenty of great free or low cost workouts that you can follow along with on TV, YouTube, live Zoom, or Instagram.  Some local gym memberships even include online class options!  Your local library and Libby app may also a good resource for exploring fitness DVDs and videos.   Removing the barrier of braving the cold and wintery roads  may make staying active on a regular basis easier for you. 

5. Do some chores.

When unpleasant weather keeps you from going outside, indoor house maintenance and chores can be a productive source of movement!  Housework such as vacuuming, sweeping, and cleaning all count towards your physical activity goals. Checking off some items on your to-do list may also give you a good wellness boost, while gaining health benefits. Walking or running up and down stairs in your home can be a great workout, too.

6. Volunteer in active ways 

Help others while helping yourself. Look for volunteer opportunities that involve physical activity such as walking dogs for elderly neighbors or shoveling snow. When volunteering, remember to follow social distancing recommendations to keep yourself and others safe.


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